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Codenerix Docker
Would you like to develop a big project from scratch in less than 4 weeks?
Adapt the needs of your clients with CODENERIX.
With this technology, you can develop an administrative section on your web and control the public website.
124 models ready to use split into 12 modules:
Core, CMS, Corporate, Email, Geodata, Invoicing, Payments, POS, Products, Reviews, Storage, Transport
{ Develop a full model in just 15 lines }
CODENERIX is a free Open Source Library that will help you to develop faster. You can start programming with it because you can download it from GitHub.
Because the base is already developed, things are easier and quicker, allowing the developers to have a more practical vision for the business. Development and execution costs are lower. Codenerix provides Django with enough resources so anybody can work creating SMEs, CRMs, CMS and, in general, makes easy to the creation of any management software.
The programming base is Django (Models, Views and Templates)
Codenerix centralizes all the data management inside the models. It has functionalities you will not find in any other library or framework: it builds forms dynamically and includes tools for form management. It also validates the web forms on the browser of the client.
You will get full management of your DB with just one model and its lists (30 lines of code). Copy and paste to multiply with several models.

Some of the features you will be able to develop with Codenerix
Build e-commerce websites with CODENERIX, and connect using the different APIs with the providers and the functionalities you need.
All you need to connect or create programs to manage a company, you can do with CODENERIX.
Design your public website freely, and connect it to your administration panel, so your client can manage it comfortably.
And much more...
Everything you can imagine.
Fully responsible and adapted to any device

The integrations
It can be very conforatble for your users because it puts together all the programs they use in the company (products, billing, etc.). It is built as a modular system, generic and integrated with other programs. In this way connects and synchronizes the information from all of these tools.
Some modules in Codenerix put together some APIs (transport services) and payment systems like Redsys (including several payment protocols). You have to install this module and start using transport and payment services as you go.
Free Open Source Library
Codenerix is an Open Source library, thought for web developers, that you can download from GitHub and use as a base for your programs. It is built on top of Django.
It makes any task easy. It saves time respecting other programming languages like PHP or Java.
Codenerix's Team
You will find programmers and designers in the Codenerix community.
Programming is a hobby, through Codenerix we can build new worlds that didn’t exist before.
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